Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Theory Of Individualism.

My First Post in Fantasy(iLL)Land is a simple one.

It's a mission statement.

First I'd like to say that the fact that CH is doing this to promote the same thing that I'm trying to promote which is just positivity to the fullest is the only reason I've decided to put Fantasy Land here rather than re-do the Remix of the Nerds.

That being said, here is the theory... or at least a starting point.

Individuality is not being different, it is about being you. In a sense, being individual shouldn't be something you strive to do, you should be already doing it. Trying to be individual is associated with trying to be different even if it is different from yourself. So in essence, you can like something that someone else likes or take some other group's style as long as it is what you want to do. Just because everyone else likes it doesn't mean you can't, too. If you like it, then go ahead and experience it. Many times when someone is "individual" they reject "popular" things immediately. This, in turn, makes the so-called "non-conformist" the same as "populars" or "conformist", which defeats the purpose of being "different."

Here's something: people sometimes hate musical forms such as rap. In essence, people hate the artist, not the art form. However, people get confused and hate the whole art form based on the artist they hate. Rapping is another way to express one's self. Hating rap is like hating how someone thinks or talks. It is okay not to like Tupac, people. He is a regular guy. As long as you know why you don't like him. Better, yet, you don't know the guy, so it's more okay not to like his songs. It is okay to not like what he puts out as long as you have a reason. Dislike without reason is hate!

Here's another: it is okay to be wrong, just as long as you can learn to be right. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can't get everything right. You make mistakes through action and without action there is nothing. You, as well as the rest of the world, can't stand on nothing.

Just a rough draft cause I don't have much time...

- C Teezy a.k.a. V. Leonelli

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